A Conversation for Tips For Cold Mornings
could you remove my name?
fluffykerfuffle Started conversation Jan 2, 2010
i really did not contribute to this and would rather not be in the researcher list
hopefully someone over there can take me off the list?
i clicked the 'remove my name" thingie and it did not work
this is important to me
could you remove my name?
Vip Posted Jan 4, 2010
I've posted this here: F47997?thread=7191429&post=90501339#p90501339. Hopefully someone will be able to do this.
I wanted to include anyone in the thread who had someway contributed to the article. I hope this has not upset you in any way.
could you remove my name?
fluffykerfuffle Posted Jan 9, 2010
oh and vip?
being in the list didnt upset me
i just dint feel i had contributed anything
nice entry, by the way
good on ya!
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could you remove my name?
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