A Conversation for The School Leaver's Prank
School pranks......
stypig Started conversation May 2, 2004
I attended a very uptight school, it was started in 1495 and was very proud of its reputation and appearance. This led to a lot of my year really wanting to play some good pranks, just before we left.
Most of these were done on our last day, when we left just before lunch-time whlist the other pupils were in lessons.
1) We had a building in school where all the outside doors only opened outwards and had big handles on the outside. And so as we were leaving we put some metal scaffolding pipes through the door handles....which meant that as the lessons ended and eight full classes of pupils tried to leave they couldn't. Cue chaos in the building and the teachers having to open all the fire doors. The panic was only short-lived but it managed to annoy the teachers for the rest of the day.
2) Later that night, we returned to school grounds (wearing appropriate disguises because of the security cameras - childrens TV character masks). And proceeded to scatter some fast growing (colourful growing) seeds on the grass outside the head masters office. Obviously the word that was spelt out wasn't a particularly nice one, but neither was the guy!
3) That same night we staged a bit of a nicer prank. As previously mentioned the school had security cameras, that weren't examined until the morning after just to double check that nothing dodgy had gone on. And so twenty of us wearing black and white striped jumpers, black eye masks and carrying big bags with SWAG written on the side proceeded to creep past all the cameras on the school. Apparently the caretaker thought it was really funny
4)Just before we left school at lunchtime twenty of us went up to the common room that we shared with the year below and decided to redocorate it. The lads in the year below had put up loads of posters with semi naked women on them. So we took a craft knife to them and carefully cut out the figures of the women, and replaced them with centre-folds from gay magazines.
It was loads of fun planning all this stuff, and it was worth it just to see the look on the teachers faces when we saw them at exams. They didn't know which of us had done the pranks and it annoyed them that they couldn't punish any of us.
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School pranks......
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