A Conversation for Skat - The Card Game


Post 1


Uh sorry if I sound like a complete moron but skat? Am I the only one who plays scat? I mean i didn't see scat on the list so i figure I was mistaken and it was spelt skat but this is a completely different game. In scat you play with 52 cards, have a three card hand, and try to get 31 points with the same suit (two face cards or tens, and an ace). Does anyone know this game?


Post 2


Yes, I know - and sorry for my late answer!
However, I know it as "Einunddreißig" (German for "Thirtyone") and play it with a deck of 32 cards, only. This game is sometimes referred to as "Kinderskat", because it is much easier than the real Skat. I don't want to sound arrogant here, however, when people say "Kindeerskat" it is ment to sound arrogant...

smiley - smiley


Post 3


Oh. Cool. Thanks.
We always played with a full deck but I never knew that.
Thanks again.

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