Mala's Annotated Muffins

1 Conversation

Here's a recipe that's relatively low in fat and sugar, but makes gigantic muffins that look and taste better than storebought! The yoghurt isn't just a low-fat wet ingredient; the acid in it reacts with the baking powder to make them very fluffy. The basic batter is very simple, uses cheap, common ingredients1, and can be altered to accomodate your current cravings and use up whatever's in your cupboard. Also good as breakfast-on-the-run2 or in lunches. Have fun experimenting with the recipe!

Basic Muffins

Things you'll need access to:

  • Mixing bowl and spoon, as well as a teaspoon for measuring
  • Kitchen scale
  • Oven
  • Muffin tin3
  • Friends and family to share with, or the self-control to freeze some and not eat them all in one sitting!

Ingredients (Serves More Than One)

  • 250g plain flour4
  • 50g oat bran5
  • 50g neutral cooking oil6
  • 250g yoghurt 7
  • 50g sugar 8
  • 2 eggs 9
  • 5 level teaspoons baking powder10

Also zero11 or more of the optional ingredients - just mix and match:

  • Lemon or orange zest, cinnamon, vanilla or another flavouring12
  • A few handfuls of nuts or raisins13
  • 1-2 cups berries or chopped fruit, fresh or frozen14
  • A spoonful of your favourite jam for the centre of each muffin15
  • Streusel topping (25g sugar, 50g butter, 75g flour mixed into a crumbly dough and sprinkled over the top.)16
  • Whatever other mix-ins strike your fancy17


Mix all the ingredients until they're mixed. You can add them in some fancy order or dump them in all at once, whatever suits your style, though it usually works best if you mix all the wet stuff first and then dump in the dry stuff. Avoid overly vigorous mixing, or wear an apron!

Preheat the oven to 200° C18 Leave the batter sitting for a little while to let the yoghurt/baking powder combination fluff it up. Pass the time by greasing a muffin tin - including the top, because the muffins tend to spill over a little.

Bake for 20-25 minutes - just long enough to tidy up the kitchen. If you're going to go check hootoo while they bake, set a timer so they don't burn. Wait until they cool off a little so they're easier to jimmy out of the pan. Make a nice cup of tea or coffee to go with them, and enjoy!

A Variation

To cut out all the added sugar19 and nearly all the fat, just mash up two very ripe bananas in the mixing bowl before you add the other ingredients, and leave out the oil and sugar. Then ruin all your good intentions by throwing in some chopped chocolate and walnuts20.


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1They're student-compatible.2Make ahead.3Or a loaf pan, to bake it as a cake-like loaf. Bake a few extra minutes, in that case, and check for done-ness with a skewer.4Use half wholemeal, if you like.5It's good for you, and you won't notice it's there except for the fact that it adds a nice nutty flavour. But if you can't get yourself to use it, use 50g of ground nuts instead, or just more flour.6Canola, sunflower, or similar. Or use olive oil, but don't say I didn't warn you!7Non-fat to full-fat, whatever fits your taste, budget, and current refrigerator contents.8It's not a lot of sugar, but these are muffins, not cakes. Reduce to 25g if not using plain, unsweetened yoghurt!9Chicken eggs. Adjust accordingly if using something different.101 standard sachet. Yes, that's quite a bit. Trust me.11If you're boring, cheap, or in a hurry.12Make sure any citrus fruits you use for zest are not treated. Just check the packet of any pre-packaged flavouring you're using for dosage instructions, since they vary from country to country and this is a worldwide recipe.13Or a bit of sesame or poppyseed know what you really want is bits of chocolate!14Raspberries are especially nice. The more you add, the more you can persuade yourself that these are healthy eating!15Just plop it in the middle just before you bake. Or just before you add the streusel topping, if you're using it.16This does add quite a bit of fat and sugar, but they're sooooo good!17Though perhaps you should also keep the likes and dislikes of your fellow diners in mind, and ensure that your combinations are at least moderately palatable. As a general rule, only a certain subset of organic substances should be considered, though you might also try a pinch or two of sodium chloride.18392° F. Gas mark 6. A little cooler if you have a convection oven or always burn things.19Except the sugar that's in the fruit...20Walnuts are reasonably healthy at least. And chocolate has, er, antioxidants, that's right!2121Yes, I like footnotes.

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