A Conversation for Comparing and Contrasting Two Wilfred Owen Poems

Top banana!

Post 1

Spooky Wigan

Wilfred Owen has always been one of my favourite poets. These are fine examples of what Owen is capable of, provoking not only sympathy, but empathy and showing once more the futility of conflict. My favourite piece of all is "Strange Meeting", which, as I'm sure you'll know, describes a soldier's meeting with a dead enemy that he has just shot. Chilling stuff.

Well done, indeed.

spookybuz [ACE] smiley - ghost

Top banana!

Post 2


Yes! Ever since I sang Britten's War Requiem last year, I have been fascinated by his writing. Definately chilling stuff. And I agree about Strange meeting, the music that's set too is so beautiful, especially the Let Us Sleep Now part.... beautiful. I also love the poem that starts Be Slowly Lifted Up thou long black arm... and the one that talks about fighting for life, not flags, wonderful. What an amazing poet.

Top banana!

Post 3

Spooky Wigan

You sing??? In requiems???

*bows down in unworthiness*

Fantastic! Is it your career, or hobby, or both?

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