A Conversation for Comparing and Contrasting Two Wilfred Owen Poems
Neveah Fo-Sfrieb Started conversation Aug 29, 2001
Owen enlisted in September 1915, but didn't actually get to France until 1917. After being caught by a shellblast, he was sent back to Britain with shell-shock, or as it was more commonly known then "neurasthenia". However after spending a short period at Craiglockhart hospital in Scotland (where he famously met the poet Seigfreid Sassoon, who corrected parts of Dulce et Decorum est), he went back to the Front in 1918, where he was killed crossing the Sambre canal on 4th November, only seven days before the war ended. Below his name on the Gravestone at Ors, his gravestone reads "Shall life renew/These bodies?/Of a truth/All death will he annul." from his poem "The End". His mother famously removed the question mark at the end of the quotation, completely changing the meaning!
Owen is buried alongside another soldier: 2nd Lt James Kirk.
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