A Conversation for 'A Clockwork Orange' by Anthony Burgess
Didn't know that!
Mina Started conversation Apr 26, 2007
I tried to read the book when I was very young (borrowed it off my big brother's shelf) but gave up because I couldn't understand why it was written in such a stupid way. Obviously I was too young to understand the teen slang!
I've seen the film now, but knowing that there's a bit more to come I think I will try the book again. One more thing about the film - it's a shame they used such an old actor in it, because although he's living with his parents and it up before the truant officer it's really hard to see that he's supposedly quite a young boy when he looks twice that age!
Same with Grease I suppose, but I was younger when I watched that, and so anyone over the age of 12 looked all the same age to me!
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Didn't know that!
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