A Conversation for 'A Clockwork Orange' by Anthony Burgess

Stanley Kubrick and the final chapter

Post 1


I think I read somewhere that Kubrick wasn't aware that there was another chapter when he started to work on the movie, but when he was told that there was another chapter (when the movie was almost finished) he read the final chapter and said it was rubbish (perhaps not with that word, but in word that can't be misunderstood).

Stanley Kubrick and the final chapter

Post 2

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I'd heard that he hadn't heard of it too, but there was some dispute in Peer Review - I was saying he hadn't known about it, and someone else was saying he did, but thought it was rubbish, and so that bit got left a bit vague. What you've said explains it all - thank you! smiley - biggrin

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Stanley Kubrick and the final chapter

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