Velcro Wall Jumping

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Velcro wall jumping is a very fun activity in which the wall is covered with strong velcro and the participants put on velcro suits.
The velcro suits must be made with the opposite side of the velcro or else the participants will not be able to stick to the wall. A trampoline is placed on the floor in front of the wall and the participants jump off the trampoline and stick to the wall of velcro. This activity can also be done without a trampoline by just jumping up onto the wall from the floor but a trampoline will make the activity a bit more interesting and also more fun.

Places Where You can Wall Jump

Velcro wall jumping is usually practiced on college campuses and in night clubs but can be done where ever one can find enough crazy or drunk people to take part in this fun and crazy activity.

Moving About on the Wall

Once stuck on the wall, the idea is to try and maneuver about the wall without falling off. The participants must use their creativity in doing this. One good way is to unstick part of your body and restick in the direction you wish to move in. One can then unstick and stick other parts of their body in order to move in the direction of their choice. In doing so, participants should try to keep as large of an area of their body stuck to the wall as possible. It is also helpful for one to spread themself out on the wall when they are stuck. If a very small area of velcro has to hold ones entire body on the wall, it will be too much weight for the velcro to hold and it will become unstuck. The difficulty of this game depends on the size of the participant and the strength of the velcro used.

Getting Down

In order to get down off the wall once you are stuck to it, you can just wait until the velcro loses its hold, or you can roll down the wall slowly. Rolling down the wall slowly usually results in a much softer landing when one hits the floor. Padding may be put on the floor so that the participants do not get hurt if they fall off the velcro wall.

A Fun Game To Play

A fun way for participants to test their skills once a bunch of people have stuck themselves to the wall, is to play a little game. The object ot the game is to be the last person left stuck to the wall. The only way in which a person can do that is to manage to throw all of the other participants off of the wall. This is more difficult then it sounds because one has to do this while staying velcrowed to the wall themself and one may not recieve any help from those who are standing on the floor. When a person is thrown off the wall, they must just sit on the floor and watch the rest of the game. If somebody even brushes the ground while stuck to the wall, they are out of the game. Participants may use any non-violent means to try and make others fall off the wall. It is good to place thick padding under the play area so that nobody gets hurt.

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