A Conversation for The Benefits of Having Children - An A to Z
Best & Worst Things About Having Children
Zelmo Zale Started conversation Dec 16, 2009
Very much enjoyed this Entry and, as the sirer of two little darlings myself, it rings very true.
Which has got me thinking about the best - and worst - things about having children. Thought it might make for the start of a good thread. So I'll offer this:
Experiencing things for the first time - movies, places, food - through fresh eyes.
Experiencing things for the umpteenth time - I Spy, Barney DVDs, endless questions about where rain, babies, sausages, etc, come from - through very tired and irritable eyes.
Any others?
Best & Worst Things About Having Children
sprout Posted Dec 17, 2009
Hi and thanks
I think the worst thing is when they get sick - scrabbling round at work, no sleep, worry about how they are...
Best thing, I agree, is when you take them on a simple activity - visit to a museum or a farm or something - and you see the amount they get out of it.
Best & Worst Things About Having Children
flyingfireballxl5 Posted Dec 22, 2009
best thing to see the joy in there faces when doing something new
the worst thing is when they are sick.
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Best & Worst Things About Having Children
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