A Conversation for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Why are we here?

Post 61


I think that we're here to sleep!!
Not that I'm a lazy person, but think about it!
All the BOURING lessons at school, the long hours at work, the
fun in dancing at parties...
All of this can raelly drive us crazy!!
So sleeping is the best answer!
(And most of all, I love sleeping)

Why are we here?

Post 62


Pigeons find school and all lessons fascinating. It is a well known fact that pigeons KNOW the meaning of life and every time they try and tell us - we shoot them. They are understandably annoyed and are now boycotting telling our generation the meaning of life.

Pigeons like my haircut in all the movies!

Why are we here?

Post 63


lsn't it something like 4 times 7 equals 28? Oh yeah thats the meaning of life. Maybe the answer to why we are here is cheese. We exist to make cheese. That could be wrong, don't quote me.

Why are we here?

Post 64


Two pieces of yeast fumbled around in a culture dish eating their own excrement wondering about the meaning of life. They suffocated and died. They had no idea that they were making wine.

Why are we here?

Post 65


Two pieces of yeast fumbled around in a culture dish eating their own excrement wondering about the meaning of life. They suffocated and died. They had no idea that they were making wine.

Why are we here?

Post 66


Where is this here place anyway.
The answer is Why Not!!!!!!! Live and Love it, no more no less
Ask the pigeons they agree.

Why are we here?

Post 67

Zach Garland

The purpose in life is to find a new and exciting way to eat ice cream. I'm thinking of mixing fresh brocolli in it.

Why are we here?

Post 68


F**k that's profound! I wonder what other effects my existence is having that I'm not aware of? I know that a lot of voices on the other end of telephones get very annoyed by my existence.

Why are we here?

Post 69

Zach Garland

My user page keeps telling me there's a response to my response to someone else's response in here and I come in here and nothing's changed. Can someone please sack the appropriate authorities? Thank you.

Why are we here?

Post 70

Zach Garland

Those responsible for the previous post have been sacked. Furthermore, those who sacked those which have been sacked have in fact been sacked. We apologize for the inconvenience. The rest of this thread was completed with great expense and at the last minute.

Why are we here?

Post 71

Zach Garland

We apologize for any confusion caused by the previous post. It was in fact intended to be a post sent to http://www.pythonline.com and by mistake was sent here instead. Those responsible for the error have in fact been sacked.

[come see the lovely moose!]

Why are we here?

Post 72


The answer I thought was clear.....

Why are we here?

Post 73


Why are we here? Well, I'm here 'cos I've got a lot of spare time and I've got to waste it somehow.

Why are we here?

Post 74


Why are we here? TO make lots of pancakes?

Why are we here?

Post 75

Zach Garland

42 was a red herring. The answer to the question of life the universe and everything is located underneath your fingernails. NEXT QUESTION!

Why are we here?

Post 76


Right, ZachsMind, YOU can pay for my hospital bill.
£45 for emergency repairs to my fingers, and I didn't even find the damned Answer! I must stop typing now as my fingers are hurting.

Why are we here?

Post 77

Zach Garland

You forgot to read the fine print again. Under no circumstances can anyoneI be held responsible for anyone taking anything in this site seriously.

So there. Nyah! smiley - tongueout

Why are we here?

Post 78


We are here to chew Bubble Gum and kick ass and usually we all run out of bubble gum at some point.

Why are we here?

Post 79


Sometimes its chewing gum

Why are we here?

Post 80

Zach Garland

Sometimes its spirit gum.

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