A Conversation for 'Mister Rogers' Neighborhood' - Children's Television Programme
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Jimi X Started conversation Sep 21, 2001
The final show aired on 24 August, 2001.
He didn't say goodbye or do anything different than he did on any other programme. He simply closed the door singing like he always did.
The final 300 shows of his catalogue are being rebroadcast in the current tape rotation. At the time of the final taping, his programme appeared on 304 stations, reaching 96 percent of the US television market.
He was 73 when they stopped taping for broadcast.
Rumours suggest that the television sets are still in the studio in case he wants to change his mind and go back on the air.
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Jimi X Posted Feb 27, 2003
But sadly, he died this morning (Feb. 27, 2003) after a brief struggle against stomach cancer. He was 74.
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Lady Scott Posted Mar 1, 2003
Perhaps that information should be added to the entry?
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Jimi X Posted Mar 1, 2003
I'm just using the forums until an Updater can get here...
The italics tell me I won't be waiting too much longer.
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