A Conversation for The Case for Despair

Nothing New about a World In Crisis

Post 1


These are challenging times- but particularly so I have argued because Historians and Humanists as Prof Plumb and others argued in 1962 had abdicated their responsibility for showing a how our lives fit into "The Brief History of Time" in a Human dimension leaving the field to scientists and mathematicians..

Last week I posted a long piece (I fear) entitled "Towards a View of History for Our Own Time" on My Space which postulates an overview that would make sense of our present condition and would thereby indicate how we might work out how the three crises described in this original piece, become resolved into one challenge for the Future.

It all depends whether people are up to a challenge or not.. During the siege of Leningrad there were people who just gave up the will to struggle on and they just lay down and froze to death.. But as far as I am concerned you should not "hold your breath worrying about the Angel of Death. Someday she'll make a rendezvous, But in the meantime Life has business with you. So look for the Angel of Life."

Nothing New about a World In Crisis

Post 2


I actually believe that we can't give up hope, ever.

I want people reading this article to argue, campaign, do something useful.

Why don't you submit your piece for review, for the Edited Guide or the AWW?

Nothing New about a World In Crisis

Post 3


I probably will. That is probably more useful than making copies to send to the major UK political parties, which is what I did earlier this evening. But the recently announced Government energy strategy - with its scope for the empowerment of individual, collective and communal projects of various sizes did seem to reflect a piece that I circulated a few months ago called "Labour Investment".. The point about population growth- is that people should be more of an asset than a problem. It is only the politics of the last 200 years that has chosen to see people as a problem- with the terrible prospect of surplus populations.

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