A Conversation for The Village Curry House, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Issues with the Village curry house

Post 1


I agree that it is minging!, however the food was always good in the past.

Unfortunately I must warn everyone about the poor delivery service, which costs £2 for about a mile!!

We ordered some food, which then took over an hour to arrive.

When it did, 2 out of the three dishes were inedible due to being cold, and the portions on two of the dishes poor.

I phoned up, and was told a replacement would be sent, guess what, it is an hour and twenty minutes later and there is no sign of it.

Buyer beware

Issues with the Village curry house

Post 2


You can get some of the best Indian food in Glasgow at The Village, especially the cafe downstairs. But Oh Dear - the toilets! The management don't seem to realise that customers expect CLEAN toilets with hot water, soap and paper towels or a working hand dryer. They serve great food and it's amazing value for money but for goodness sake spend a few quid to civilise the toilets! smiley - sadface

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Issues with the Village curry house

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