A Conversation for Choosing a Supermarket Checkout

Bagging your own groceries?

Post 1


In America you have to add on another factor - are the people in queue x more likely to bag their own goods than those in queue y? I worked for a summer as a check-out girl in a supermarket in Rhode Island and could not get over the way you would check people's goods through, maybe over 200 dollars worth, and then the husband, wife, and 2 kids would stand there looking at you while you fought your way through packing up all their mounds of purchases, with a queue steadily forming at your check-out. It was usually the more well-off folks who never thought to help out, and would even discourage their kids from helping me (no, honey, leave it, it's her job - no, it's NOT my job, we have baggers for that, there isn't one here at the moment, I'm only doing this so your food will get off my check-out!). And they would ALWAYS want bloomin' paperbags in plastic bags which is more awkward for the bagger. The 20-something women would normally help bag, and the 30-something men, indeed often waving you cheerfully off when you tried to help. I could write a book on this whole process, it used to drive me cracked, it may be a culture thing but I found it frankly rude. I guess coming from Ireland, where if you didn't bag your own purchases they'd stay on the checkout, made me totally unprepared for this.

Bagging your own groceries?

Post 2


Over the last few years in UK, it has become trendy for supermarket assistants to be told by Management, to bag a customers' groceries.

Ranging from the girl who was upset, I wouldn't let her bag my shopping. Those who automatically start bagging, to those who ask ' do you want me to pack?'. This last class of assistants give the shopper the decision, to save her a some joules of energy in her arm muscles. Think of doing all the goods on the conveyor belt at their till, on a 7 or 10 hour shift. Working in a supermarket is hard work, considering the meagre pay when you relate the two. There are always a few assistants at all supermarkets, who go by whether they like the look of a customer. 'This one puts me off', the cashier thinks and don't offer to pack. Others negotiate with moral minded customers and compromise- settle for the assistant at till, starts with 2 items, and shopper finish bagging the groceries.

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Bagging your own groceries?

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