A Conversation for 'Airwolf' - the TV Series
Airwolf is the best series ever.
Researcher 191847 Started conversation Mar 28, 2002
Someone else that love it too?
Airwolf is the best series ever.
MikeTheC Posted Mar 24, 2005
Seasons 1 and 2 were awesome. After that, the production started to go down hill.
I think it jumped the shark in season 4.
In fact, I had years ago coined the term "Airwolfed" in some old-school FidoNet chat forums to explain a show that lost it's way completely.
Of course, now that Battlestar Galactica is being produced in Canada, they're starting to regain a certain amount of honor in my book.
Just my 2 cents. (or what, roughly 2/10 of one pence sterling?)
Airwolf is the best series ever.
Bright Blue Shorts Posted Mar 26, 2005
I watched the whole of seasons 1 & 2 before realising that the production values would never reach the quality of the pilot episdoe.
Along with be "Airwolfed" there was a speight of 4-season shows in the 80s, most notably "The A-Team", "Moonlighting" and "Miami Vice".
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Airwolf is the best series ever.
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