A Conversation for Carnival in Germany

*dances a dance of Schadenfreude*

Post 1

Floh Fortuneswell

It's raining and raining and raining smiley - devil
Poor poor Fasnet-participants smiley - laugh

*dances a dance of Schadenfreude*

Post 2


You seem to be a very nice person.

*dances a dance of Schadenfreude*

Post 3

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Munich had *nice* weather (apart from a little rain this evening) smiley - nahnah

smiley - jestersmiley - jestersmiley - jestersmiley - jestersmiley - jester * smiley - clown * smiley - jestersmiley - jestersmiley - jestersmiley - jestersmiley - jester

*dances a dance of Schadenfreude*

Post 4

Floh Fortuneswell

Nice? No, not always smiley - erm
Let's say I just don't like this kind of "ordered cheerfulness"...

*dances a dance of Schadenfreude*

Post 5

Floh Fortuneswell

I should be more precise. There's a difference between Fasnet and other types of Carnival smiley - winkeye

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