A Conversation for Carnival in Germany


Post 1


I live in Düsseldorf, and I study in Cologne. How can one imagine how terribly hard the times of Carnival are for me? Strange people in strange dresses doing strange things while playing strange music. I was raised in the Ruhrpott area, I am not USED to this! 5 years in Düsseldorf, and I am still scared when people with big, red noses come towards me, smiling, singing. They could want me to have...fun! AAAARGH!


Post 2

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - hug


Post 3

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

smiley - laugh

Well, you could have known that before if it's soo embarrassing.

Helau! oops, sorry smiley - winkeye


Post 4

You can call me TC

Do you come from there originally

(Am collecting info for updating the GMC)


Post 5


Born in Dortmund, live in Düsseldorf since 1998, before 98 been here nearly steadily

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