A Conversation for Carnival in Germany
Politischer Aschermittwoch
Needles Started conversation May 8, 2001
Nice Article! But you forgot to mention the most important Bavarian Carnival custom: The Politische Aschermittwoch (political Ash Wednesday). As Bavarians like Beer very much they thought of a way to continue the fun (and drinking) of Carnival one day longer and so Politischer Aschermittwoch was born. On this day the major (and minor) political parties of Bavaria each gather vast numbers of party members and have them listen to speeches of their top political representatives (The biggest party - the CSU - holds this event in the otherwise quiet tourist town of Passau). As most of these speeches can only be properly followed and digested in a less than sober state, vast amounts of Beer are served. Most of these speeches are "We know the Truth, the other parties don't"-type of speeches, so lots of applause and even standing (well more or less) ovations are guaranteed. All in all a very clever ploy of the parties to profit from people's unwillingsness to end all the fun of Carnival on Ash Wednesday.
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Politischer Aschermittwoch
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