A Conversation for Games to Play while Serving on a Supermarket Checkout
HYM Games to Play while Serving on a Supermarket Checkout
six7s Started conversation Aug 12, 2002
A513631 ~ Games to Play while Serving on a Supermarket Checkout Offers a ray of hope that even the dullest of jobs can have some relief
HYM Games to Play while Serving on a Supermarket Checkout
Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese Posted Aug 12, 2002
HYM Games to Play while Serving on a Supermarket Checkout
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted Sep 13, 2002
Thread Moved
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Sep 13, 2002
Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Vote for the Next 'Have You Missed...?'' to 'Games to Play while Serving on a Supermarket Checkout'.
This has been nominated for the 'Have You Missed...?' feature on the Front Page. Thanks for all your votes.
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HYM Games to Play while Serving on a Supermarket Checkout
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