Best Sellers

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As a feature for the Book Nook we are posting the five best-selling books of the week/month from various Countries/States. It is interesting to see what appeals to people living in
different places. We hope to bring you the Continental Europe Lists next week.

This first list was sent by Loonytunes

Top five books - week ending 27/2/00... New Zealand

  1. Family Trusts, A New Zealand Guide, Martin Hawes
  2. School Lunches and Snacks, Alison Hoist
  3. The Vintner's Luck, Elizabeth Knox
  4. Quintessence, Christine Lealand
  5. Gwenda Turner's Christchurch, Gwenda Turner


  1. The Brethren, John Grisham
  2. The Testament, John Grisham
  3. The Pilot's Wife, Anita Shreve
  4. Fortune's Rocks, Anita Shreve
  5. Death du Jour, Kathy Reichs

Non Fiction

  1. The Naked Chef, Jamie Oliver
  2. Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki
  3. Dr Atkin's New Diet Revolution, Dr R Atkins
  4. Seat Of The Soul, Gary Zukav
  5. Angela's Ashes, Frank McCourt

And here's a similar, British, list.

The figures in brackets are standings from the previous week.

Top ten books - week ending 27/2/00... Britain


  1. (2) The Beach, Alex Garland (Penguin)
  2. (1) Angela's Ashes. Frank McCourt (Flamingo)
  3. (3) Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks (Vintage)
  4. (4) Memoirs Of A Geisha, Arthur Golden (Vintage)
  5. (5) Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Louis de Bernidres (Vintage)
  6. (7) Internet: The Rough Guide, Angus J Kennedy (Rough Guides)
  7. (6) The Testament, John Grisham (Arrow)
  8. (8) The God Of Small Things, Arundhati Roy (Flamingo)
  9. (10) Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder (Phoenix)
  10. (9) Georgiana, Duchess Of Devonshire, Amanda Foreman (Flamingo)


  1. (1) The Brethren, John Grisham (Century)
  2. (2) Beowulf, Seamus Heaney (Faber)
  3. (3) Marrying The Mistress, Joanna Trollope (Bloomsbury)
  4. (4) Delia's How To Cook. Book 2, Delia Smith (BBC)
  5. (7) The Naked Chef, Jamie Oliver (Michael Joseph)
  6. (6) 'Tis, Frank McCourt (Flamingo)
  7. (5) Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason, Heien Fielding (Picador)
  8. (8) Atiantis Found, Clive Cussier (Michael Joseph)
  9. (9) White Teeth. Zadie Smith (Hamish Hamilton)
  10. 10 (-) Mankind: Have A Nice Day!, Mick Folley (HarperCollins)

Top ten books - week ending 27/2/00... Canada


  1. A Good House - Bonnie Burnard
  2. No Great Mischief - Alistair Macleod
  3. Pilgrim - Timothy Findley
  4. Miss Wyoming - Douglas Coupland
  5. Slander - William Deverell
  6. The Museum at Purgatory - Nick Bantock
  7. Summer Gone - David Macfarlane
  8. Elizabeth and After - Matt Cohen
  9. The Oxford Book of Stories by Canadian Women in English - Rosemary Sullivan
  10. Desire in Seven Voices - Lorna Crozier


  1. Lazarus and Hurricane: The Untold Story of the Freeing of Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter - Sam Chaiton
  2. Sisters in the Wilderness: The Lives of Susanna Moodie and Catharine Parr Trail - Charlotte Gray
  3. The Seventh Shadow: The Wilderness Manhunt for a Brutal Mass Murderer
  4. Canadian Sayings - Bill Casselman
  5. The Farfarers: Before the Norse - Farley Mowat
  6. No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies - Naomi Klein
  7. Blue Trust - Stevie Cameron
  8. It's So Cold on the Prairies - Ted Stone
  9. Bastards and Boneheads: Our Glorious Leaders, Past and Present - Will Ferguson
  10. Nuk Tessli: The Life of a Wilderness Dweller

Top ten books - week ending 27/2/00... America


  1. The Brethren - John Grisham
  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J. K. Rowling
  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Akaban - J. K. Rowling
  4. Gap Creek: The Story of a Marriage - Robert Morgan
  5. The Lion's Game - Nelson DeMille
  6. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J. K. Rowling
  7. Sick Puppy - Carl Hiaasen
  8. The Attorney - Stephen Paul Martini
  9. False Memory - Dean Koontz
  10. Timeline - Michael Crichton


  1. Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man and Life's Greatest Lesson - Mitch Albom
  2. The Rock Says - WWF
  3. 'Tis: A Memoir - Frank McCourt
  4. Have a Nice Day!: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks - Mick 'Mankind' Foley
  5. The Greatest Generation - Tom Brokaw
  6. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living - Dalai Lama XIV
  7. The Greatest Generation Speaks: Letters and Reflections - Tom Brokaw
  8. From This Day Forward - Cokie Roberts
  9. Faith of My Fathers - John McCain
  10. A Vast Conspiracy: The Real Story of the Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought down a President - Jeffrey Toobin


28.02.00. Front Page

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