A Conversation for Ice Hockey


Post 1

cartoon junkie

As with the last question I am a big fan, staying up late on weeknights to watch games and staying up late at weekends playing "nhl" on my PS2 (drunk when i come home from the pub), I think i know the action it refers to but realy can't be sure any one help me? smiley - biggrinsmiley - ta


Post 2


a Deke is a fake-out: the shooter makes as if to hit the puck and then doesnt. you can get double- and triple- and so on dekes too, just by faking more shots.


Post 3


There's a bit more to it than that. For example, there's a head deke. The player moves their head one way but goes the other.


Post 4


think "dummy" or "feint" from football/soccer, and you'll get the idea.

Truly outstanding moves are awarded accolades such as:

deked him out of his shorts/jock strap/skates

left him at the turnstile

left him taking tickets

he's still looking for the puck..

If you get access to mid-70 NHL footage, watch for Gilbert Perrault;
he may have been the best deker since NHL expansion in 1968.


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