A Conversation for Clarinets

I love alto clarinets!

Post 1

omylouse-formerly "Saffron"

I cant believe any1 else cares about alto clarinets I play the alto in the staffordshire youth wind orchestra & its lovely!!! Sad arent I!?!
(Friends seem 2 think so anyway)

Personally I thinkyou should add Joy Farrel (sp?) to your list of gr8 clarinet players.

I love alto clarinets!

Post 2

Bernadette Lynn_ Home Educator

I would like to nominate Thea King, Anthony Pay and David Campbell for the "performers of note" list.

I love alto clarinets!

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

I'll second Anthony Pay, but I'm afraid I haven't heard the other two. I might ask around the other clarinetists.

I love alto clarinets!

Post 4

Bernadette Lynn_ Home Educator

Thea King is, as far as I'm aware, the first woman to be 'great'.
David Campbell because his performance of the Brahms Clarinet Sonatas is the best I've heard.

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