A Conversation for Clarinets

Mouthpieces and Ligatures

Post 1

Post Team

Hi there... this is a very good, comprehensive, article about the clarinet, but there seems to be no mention of the great strides made in the production of ligatures... ie the 'leather' or 'synthetic' mouthpiece which has revolutionised how the reed can be attached. The range of mouthpieces has also added to the better tone quality available now... witness the 'crystal' mouthpiece. More expensive and far more fragile, but definitely aiding tone quality smiley - winkeye
shazzPRME smiley - magic

Mouthpieces and Ligatures

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

There is no doubt that a good mouthpiece and ligature can work wonders for any player's tone. But there is very little that can be said on the subject. Opinions differ on which mouthpieces are best and which ligatures. Some people swear by gold-plated ligatures while others say the gold plating is only there to push up the price and therefore the profit. The best way to find a good mouthpiece and ligature is to try lots of them out until you find one you are happy with. This is not the sort of information that can be put in an article of this sort.

Mouthpieces and Ligatures

Post 3


Thank you Gnomen... point taken smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

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