A Conversation for Is It Safe to Cycle?
"Oneway" streets and cycles
James Started conversation Apr 17, 2010
Some streets are made one way to cars, since they are either too narrow, or there are motor traffic systems that route cars round city streets in using one-way systems. However the one-way system is irrelevant to cyclists since the roads are obviously not too narrow for cycles to pass. While civilised countries realise this, and allow cycles free access to streets, the UK for some reason think that cycles should be subject to restrictions based on the width of motor vehicles. Apparently some towns are waking up to this crazy situation and have decided to allow cycles to use oneway streets in both direction - how long before we can get rid of this silly restriction on cycling across the whole country?
"Oneway" streets and cycles
bikernurse Posted Apr 17, 2010
Am interested to know which countries allow free road access to cyclists? Is it the Dutch perhaps? Perhaps someone could elaborate?
"Oneway" streets and cycles
marshdom Posted Apr 18, 2010
cycled the belgian national rowing regatta in Ghent. The city has been re engineered over the years around cyclists, pedestrians and public transport. Cars are subject to appropriately draconian restrictions for such antisocial weapons they are. the air is clean, the city peaceful, people movement a dream. and of course cyclists can go the wrong way up 'oneway' streets, they prefer you to do it in lanes
"Oneway" streets and cycles
vfr_rider Posted Apr 18, 2010
By than same James, as my motorbike is much narrower than a car does that mean I should be allowed to ride that the wrong way down a one way street?
"Oneway" streets and cycles
T1mown Posted Apr 19, 2010
>>By than same James, as my motorbike is much narrower than a car does that mean I should be allowed to ride that the wrong way down a one way street?
Here here, i completely agree, but where getting into a whole different debate here. 'those damn inconsiderate mootorbike riders, coming headfirst into my windscreen as i'm trying to turn right'
"Oneway" streets and cycles
hackerjack Posted Apr 19, 2010
Sorry James but you are wrong here.
Yes the roads are made one way because of their size or position more often than not, but once made one way that is and should be the case for ALL traffic.
You see it's largely about visibility and expectation. Narrow roads might make a cyclist comeing the "wrong" way much more difficult to see for one thing. The other is that people will nto be looking for a cyclist coming towards them, just the same as they would not be on a dual carriageway.
Just because it can be done (as in a cycle fits there) doesn't mean that it should, the rules are there to make everyone safr and should be followed.
NO country I know of actively allows cyclists different rules, though some so blatently iggnore censoring cyclists so much as to make it seemt hat way.
"Oneway" streets and cycles
T1mown Posted Apr 19, 2010
hackjack, have you had a bit of sauce? or just tryping quick before the boss catches you?
Whenever i am using a push bike, i have to say, i use all available surfaces for me. if i approach a road with a red light, i will get on the pavement and cross the road as a two wheeled pedestrian , but that doesn't mean i'm inconsiderate, that's just people getting a bit
with the fact they can't do that (Same as motorbikes and filtering)
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"Oneway" streets and cycles
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