A Conversation for What is God?

Religion is the major cause of wars

Post 21

The High Duke of Mars

This luv thing is just too cool. smiley - smiley Can we all join hands and sing Kumbayah in a moment of spontaneous polytheistic harmony?

But seriously, it's the common ground *I* look for. That's where my belief speaks to me.

This forum has been TREMENDOUS. Someone else is contributing from the perspective of Islam and copied verses from the Holy Qu'ran. smiley - smiley

And the various debates and discussions have really helped me get a clearer idea of my beliefs, and expand myself somewhat. Again, this is fantastic. smiley - smiley Thanks Wonko and Pillowcase. smiley - smiley

-Joe G.

Religion is the major cause of wars

Post 22


Thanks too to you, High Duke! So after all, we're friends, ok?

It is a *very* good idea to search for a common ground. I'll start a new thread on this. After lunch.

See you, guys. smiley - smiley

Religion is the major cause of wars

Post 23

The Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase

Sure, let's be friends. People don't have to be identical copies of each other in order to get along! Wonko, let me know about that new thread you're starting!

Religion is the major cause of wars

Post 24

Martin Harper

Just went to amazon - they have a copy of mein kampf... though I couldn't help but laugh at the "I am the author and want to review this book" link.

The full text is at [URL removed by moderator]- don't be dismayed too much by the website which has it published - it's fairly clean.

It's a very sober book, from my quick flick-through. You may be surprised at the extent you find yourself nodding with agreement at many points.

You are now returned to your regularly scheduled hugfest...

Religion is the major cause of wars

Post 25


It may be good for you to know that here in Germany it is forbidden to sell this book and that this site, now having the link to it, violates German laws. And they do take that seriously up here.

I don't understand your reasons of mentioning it, is it that you don't think people can have some sort of common hope for good (you may call it love), inspite of their different opinions?

If you find something good in that book, let me tell you: it's full of hate, all that hate inspired by the church of the last centuries against the jews is summed up there. All negative feelings humans are able to have are called on.

Could you please do me a favour and do not mention it again? smiley - smiley

Religion is the major cause of wars

Post 26

Martin Harper

I mentioned it because JAR mentioned it. Specifically, he said 'Hitler did write that "mein kampf" thingy, and as fdar as I know, it's full of hate-propaganda. I haven't actually read the book myself.'

I maintain that it is always better to think that a book is full of hate-propoganda if you've actually read at least part of it.

Religion is the major cause of wars

Post 27


Ok, Lucinda.

Religion is the major cause of wars

Post 28


Hi my friends, I've made that common ground thread on http://www.h2g2.com/F58051?thread=92950&post=764966. Hope you agree. :-)

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