A Conversation for The Liar's Paradox

Two brothers,...

Post 1


...one always lying, the other one always telling the truth, are keeping the way to a treasure. If you want to go on a quest for this treasure, you have to choose between two ways at a crossing, one leading to the treasure, the other one leading into hell. Now, the two brothers, actually standing at that crossing, are allowed to help you, but...

...you can ask only one of them only one single question, without knowing who of them is the liar. The consulted brother will give you his answer obeying his ties to truth.

Now it is up to you, to make the best of it. What would be your question to decide which way to choose? (And why?)

Good luck! smiley - smiley


Two brothers,...

Post 2

Aurora (Muse au Chocolat; Muse of Fancy Footwear and Seraph of High Heels)

Was't there a scene in the movie "Labyrinth" (yes, the one with David Bowie) where just that happened?

Wish I could recall, what the girl asked... . smiley - winkeye

Two brothers,...

Post 3


Yes, there was (That's what a colleague of mine told me)! The brothers were speaking doorhandels...

I don't know what the girl asked unless it was the same question that I am looking for.

HP »--.

Two brothers,...

Post 4

Aurora (Muse au Chocolat; Muse of Fancy Footwear and Seraph of High Heels)

Right! Doorhandels!!!!! I've only seen the movie once - when it came out - so I don't remember too much about it.
But I remember that this riddle intruiged me when I saw the film!

I will certainly think about the question and I'll ask my colleagues. Maybe I can come up with an answer. But probably someone else will be faster... .


Two brothers,...

Post 5

Lost in Scotland

The question would be: "If your brother told me which way to go, which way would he say leads to the treasure?"
If I thought this up correctly, the following is the reason why (I've used left/right to make it easier for myself to follow my own train of thought, and that the correct answer would be "right"):
If you ask the brother that always lies, he would still lie when he answers the question and say that his brother would say left to reach the treasure. (He lied about what his brother's answer would be.)
If you ask the brother that is always telling the truth, he would tell the truth once again when saying that his brother would say left to reach the teasure. (He tells the truth about what his brother would answer.)

The conclusion in both cases wll be that to reach the treasure, you have to go right and not left.

Problem solved, treasure reached.
Now what's the prize for this, then?smiley - smiley

Two brothers,...

Post 6


A "very good" and "well done" from me and maybe an "Ah, yes" from Aurora later...

*ahem, proclamation*

Well done, LiS, very good!

*you see smiley - smiley*

Maybe we should suggest Greebo to give an extra H2IQ-point for this question and your first correct answer...
smiley - erm Not fair that, I think...

HP »--.

*Now waiting for Aurora's "Ah, yes"*

Two brothers,...

Post 7

Lost in Scotland

Actually, it would be my second correct answer in Greebo's H2IQ quiz thing. I got the very first question she posted correct as well.smiley - smiley
Then she started posting them while I was unable to get hold of a computer, so I always got in there late...

Oh well.. This was actually a pretty tough question. I hope you don't mind terribly that I stole it and sent it out here at work as a "Riddle of the day" thing.smiley - smiley

Two brothers,...

Post 8

Aurora (Muse au Chocolat; Muse of Fancy Footwear and Seraph of High Heels)

Ah yes! smiley - blush

Two brothers,...

Post 9


Thank you!
smiley - biggrin

Two brothers,...

Post 10

Aurora (Muse au Chocolat; Muse of Fancy Footwear and Seraph of High Heels)

Anything to make you happy, Holle! smiley - winkeye

Two brothers,...

Post 11

Lost in Scotland

We also have the old riddle about the criminal that was sentenced to death for his crimes.
As he was a known liar, the judge told him that he could make a final statement to the court, and if that statement was a lie, he would be beheaded, but if it was true was true, he would be hanged.

The man gave his final statement, and the court was baffled. After hours of deliberation, the court found that they couldn't do anything but to release him.

What was the man's last statement?

Two brothers,...

Post 12

Aurora (Muse au Chocolat; Muse of Fancy Footwear and Seraph of High Heels)

Hmmmm, lemme think!

I guess it should be: "I will be beheaded". So if they had him beheaded his statement would have been true and they should have hanged him and vice versa... .

Aurora smiley - zoom

Two brothers,...

Post 13

Lost in Scotland

That would be the correct answer to that.
You can always trust people to be able to talk their way out of trouble.smiley - smiley

Two brothers,...

Post 14

Aurora (Muse au Chocolat; Muse of Fancy Footwear and Seraph of High Heels)

I'm so happy I don't look as stupid as I did on the other riddle!!! smiley - winkeye

You got any more riddles?

Aurora smiley - zoom


Post 15


This post has been removed.

Two brothers,...

Post 16

Lost in Scotland

At this point in time, I do not possess any more riddles for thee, milady. I shall, however, do my uttermost to obtain a riddle for thee to enjoy.

smiley - ghost

Two brothers,...

Post 17

Lost in Scotland

Hmmm.. The troubles of having customers that calls and disturbs the surfing of the web.
You are correct, Holle. I am from Sweden, and I do understand some German, although I really stink when trying to write or speak it.smiley - smiley

No need to apologise to me for typing German, though. I understand enough to follow the conversation.smiley - smiley

smiley - ghost

Two brothers,...

Post 18

Aurora (Muse au Chocolat; Muse of Fancy Footwear and Seraph of High Heels)

I thank you very much Lost in Scotland and I shall wait for you! smiley - smiley

Aurora smiley - zoom

(I really wish there was a !! I could think of a lot of uses!!!! smiley - biggrin )

Two brothers,...

Post 19

Lost in Scotland

Yes, in deed it would be nice to see some miscellanious Smileys, more than what is already around here at H2G2.
Anyways, I apologise for my going Shakespearian with thee's and thou's and all that. I tend to do that every now and then.smiley - smiley

Two brothers,...

Post 20

Aurora (Muse au Chocolat; Muse of Fancy Footwear and Seraph of High Heels)

Don't apologize! I LOVE it when people talk/write like that - it sounds great!!! Alas - I can never think of something like that myself! smiley - sadface

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