A Conversation for 'Call My Bluff' - the TV Series

Not *every* weekday

Post 1

Cheerful Dragon

The entry gives the impression that I could go home at midday today, switch on my TV and watch 'Call My Bluff'. Not true. 'Call My Bluff' is a seasonal thing. It's not on every day of the week, all year round. It's on for 13 weeks or so, then something else takes it's place - worse luck. It's the only intelligent game show that gets shown at that time of day - largely because the teams are made up of intelligent people and there aren't any prizes.

Not *every* weekday

Post 2


Hey - and it's on ot Scotland too, and other parts of the Great Britan tyoo I should think smiley - smiley

Not *every* weekday

Post 3


You folks are showing your age (or lack of). Call My Bluff is a recycled programme (nothing wrong with that, of course) from the 1970s, when it was fronted by that doyen of smugness, Robert Robinson. He also used to front Ask the Family (anyone else remeber that?); and now is to be heard on Radio 4, compering Brain of Britain.

Not *every* weekday

Post 4


And let's not forget Frank Muir and Arthur Marshall, the original team captains.

Not *every* weekday

Post 5

Cheerful Dragon

Actually, the original captains were Frank Muir and Patrick Campbell, who had a phenominal stammer. Arthur Marshall only took over after Patrick Campbell died.

(I think I'd better shut up. I'm showing my age!)

Not *every* weekday

Post 6


I'm old enough to remember Frank Muir and Patrick Campbell, and I agree that they were wonderful.
But so is the present-day team! Dry, laid-back Alan Coren and manic, madly inventive Sandi Toksvig are perfect foils for each other.
Here's to "Call My Bluff" past AND present! smiley - smiley

Not *every* weekday

Post 7

The Apprentice

Not wishing to rain on anyone's parade, but the original captains were Robert Morely and Frank Muir - and Robert Robinson was the fourth host for the show which in fact started in 1965. See "The Real 'Call My Bluff'" conversation.

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