A Conversation for 20 Guidelines for Raising a Child
is motherhood a full time job?
fluffykerfuffle Started conversation May 29, 2007
im probably going to get alot of argument from this but i think that once a woman conceives then that is her full time job career artform raison d'etre until the child has reached adulthood.
new mothers realise, for sure at least at this beginning point, that if you dont dedicate your attention totally to this child ...well things just kinda get away from you.
parenthood in our society is a steep learning curve at first... and scary too because the stakes are so high. for the first time in your life you are responsible for someone else...
is motherhood a full time job?
fluffykerfuffle Posted May 29, 2007
i guess the authorities on that question are too busy right now mothering to answer that question huh!
is motherhood a full time job?
Wand'rin star Posted Apr 9, 2008
I agree - except your heading should be "Parenthood is a full-time job". It is NOT just a woman's job. Some of us are forced to do it alone,but it isn't ideal.
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is motherhood a full time job?
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