A Conversation for Life Expectancy Profiles
Mu Beta Started conversation Jun 6, 2005
A great read. Good for those of us with statistical cravings (that's cravings for statistics, not those craving that are numerically represented for analysis).
Why is it that I get fascinated by things like these? Mortality rates, death tables, obituraries. Am I sick?
McKay The Disorganised Posted Jun 6, 2005
Well if you are there's 2 of us. I've just been ferreting about on the GAD site. Seems I'm kicking the averages - so far.
Woodpigeon Posted Jun 11, 2005
Well, you can count me in to this club too! I *had* to write about this after sticking the life tables into a spreadsheet and finding out that 23 year old men had the same chance of "popping their clogs" as 40 year olds.
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