UK General and Local Elections 2005

76 Conversations

A voting slip on its way into the ballot box - graphic by Community Artist Clelba.

The 2005 Election is now over. Thanks to everybody who contributed to the discussions and for the feedback on h2g2's election forum, which was most valuable and much appreciated. The following is available as an archive of the many discussions that took place throughout April and May 2005.

Welcome to h2g2's discussion forum for the 2005 UK General and Local Elections.

The BBC's commitment to impartiality comes under greater scrutiny during a general election. In order to enable balanced and interesting debates, messageboards and discussion forums across the BBC will be operating under the BBC's agreed policies. For further information, please consult the 2005 Election Guidelines document in the BBC Producer's Guidelines.

To enable us to maintain balance, this forum will be post-moderated. This means that all postings to the conversations below will be checked by a moderator within one hour of being posted (although probably sooner). This forum will be the only area on h2g2 where discussions pertaining to the issues behind the election will be allowed. Posts pertaining to the election made in discussion areas outside this forum may be failed.

Other messageboards and discussion areas will also be available across the BBC.

This forum will remain open until the morning of 5 May, 2005, when the polls open, at which time all discussion topics will be locked until the morning after the polls have closed (during this time, we request that political discussion on h2g2 is kept on hold until the polls close). A new non-election-related discussion topic will be opened on election day.

Please Note: We'll endeavour to keep you informed of any changes or additional information as we receive it, but to avoid confusion or repetition we may simply edit this page.

For extensive BBC coverage of the issues, please visit the Election 2005 site.

Discussion Notes

  • Avoid starting a new conversation topic unless absolutely necessary - it means we're all able to keep track and follow discussions better if similar topics are discussed in the same place.

  • h2g2 should not be used for campaigning or political purposes. Postings that appear to be veering towards campaigning may be removed.

  • Please don't discuss individual candidates. What we'd like to hear from you is how you are personally affected by the issues themselves. This is, after all, the Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything and we feel there's greater value in sticking to the issues than focusing on any individual.

  • Avoid slogans - comments that consist of short slogans may be removed. If you have an opinion about a subject, back it up, preferably with references to a respected news source.

  • For further information, please consult:

The normal h2g2 House Rules still apply. Please take care not to post in anger or out of spite. Incidents of flaming, trolling, spamming or flooding will not be tolerated. Likewise, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, racially offensive, or otherwise objectionable material is not acceptable.

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