Agony Aunt

1 Conversation

Dear AA

I am becoming increasingly worried by a change in my personality. I have never been really interested in Football before, but I now find myself watching it more and more! Not only watching, but screaming, shouting and even swearing while I do! Is there any hope left for me? How can I curb this display of over-rampant enthusiasm?


Change The Ref.!

Dear Change The Ref.!,

This all depends on whom the foot you are having a ball with belongs to. If this foot belongs to someone close to you then I see no problem with your newfound interest in the sport but, on the other hand, if this foot belongs to someone else then I can see where there would be a problem. I don't see your other half taking kindly to this at all. I do have one question though! Why do you find yourself screaming, shouting and swearing at the foot in question? Has it done something? Is there something it should be doing? Or is it just because it is there? Aside from my questions about this interest you have taken up, I suggest that maybe you attempt to wean yourself from the foot in question. Possibly covering it with a sock or shoes of some sort to keep you from noticing it. Make a point to set aside one time a day when you can allow yourself the opportunity to have a ball with said foot, but no more. The urge may become quite strong but you must fight the urge, you must be stronger than the foot. Once you have shown this foot who the boss is you will find that you can safely curb your enthusiasm to an acceptable level. Good luck, and may the foot be with you (hehe!! Sorry, aunty couldn't help herself there)


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