The London Meet 2008 Caption Competition - Week Three

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The London Spring Meet Caption Competition

Week Three

Clearly a good time was had by all at the recent London Spring Meet, judging by the photos we've seen of the event. We've decided to publish some of the best of them as a fortnightly Caption Competition. Please submit your caption to the appropriate thread at the bottom of the page. The authors of the winning caption and two runners up for each week the competition runs will have their names and winning captions printed the following week in The Post.


h5ringer taking a photo, apparently of Galaxy Babe's cleavage

Last week's picture gave us many amusing captions to mull over and The Post Team were very hard pressed to come up with a favourite. But like all good
judges we came to a decision:

The Winner is...

'As a keen Ornithologist I can tell you this is a good example of Parus major! That's great tits to you!'
by Mystified MadFiddler

The two runners-up are...

'They are in such close proximity that they are interacting, and may eventually collide, providing a cosmic train-wreck of intergalactic proportions.'

'It keeps saying, 'not enough room on memory chip'...'


This week's photo was submitted by Gnomon - thank you very much!

Mazin Mad Fiddler, drinking a pint with a target stuck to his head

Please note that the deadline for this week's captions is Sunday 15th June. Entries submitted after this date may not be considered, depending on how funny they are.


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