The CAC Continuum
Created | Updated Feb 3, 2005
The Date Rape Issue
Fiction Weird Science First/Personals Kitchen SyncronicitiesSatire
is a difficult subject to discuss.
But one by one the prejudices that keep the subject taboo have to be dragged into the light.
The darkest areas are deep in the male psyche. Men suffer an embarassing reflexive arousal of their morbid curiosities whenever the subject is raised. But can they be blamed if their only experience of it comes from films and television.
Film producers simply follow the lead of earlier pornographers, those writers and publishers who discovered that commercial success could be enhanced if violence plays a part in the fantasies. This distorted reality continues to create deeply mixed feelings in the male audience. The constant apparent coincidence of violence and sex in films causes men to continuously wonder if the two really might somehow be inextricably linked.
They are not.
But I only saw the distinction clearly myself when I recently read this week's featured entry:
A3496089 by U645857
This week's CAC Continuum was researched and assembled by ~jwf~
as part of the Committee for Alien Content's Continuing search for truth
in a world gone mad with reality television and televised reality.
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