A Conversation for Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Good Pubs
Lille Started conversation Feb 19, 2002
Ok, hear a list of pubs on Pontstraße and what you have to expect:
Stating on the top going down:
To the left:
Sowiso + Ocean :
These two pubs are connected to each other and have the same prices and drinks. The Sowiso has a warmer atmosphere the Ocean has a Kicker (don't now the german word), dart games and pool billard.
Both have nice gardens where you can sit outside in the summer.
To the right:
If you go throug the Milchstraße you will come to the Gallileo. I have never been there, but owned by the same as the Magellan, so for more info look there.
Long streched pub, sometime it's a little bit cold inside.
Small pub, normaly very crowded. Servers cocktail for 3,50 EUR from 19-21 (I think, if it's wrong i will correct it in some days)
To the left:
The name says all: if you don't get a seat in the front search your path through to the back. Most people in the main front room eat there, so in the back an in the right room there are more people drinking.
Next again to the right:
Litte pub, long streched. big TV in the back. Serves cheap cocktails from 19-22h for 4 EUR.
Then some imbisses (???)
After crossing the inner ring:
On the left:
Nice pub, if's its crowded and you come in before 22h you are supposed to eat something sometimes. Great cocktails for 4,50 EUR from 23:30 till end (around 2-3h if it's empty) Nice amtmosphere.
Chico Mendes (KHK):
Smaler nice Pub, older guests (that does not mean old, but around 27), try drinking a 'Stiefel' (that mean boot) there.
On the bottom:
To the right:
Cafe Kittel:
Student pub. a nice comfortable pub, where you more like to sit and relax, drink something hot in the winter, than to drink some beer and have fun. has a garden aroung the corner.
Up to the market:
To the right:
comfortable pub, nice to sit outside in the summer.
Near the market, to the left :
Crowded bar, good but expensive cocktails
A good link:
And and last:
A good disco (or better club):
The B9 (Blondelstraße 9):
Near the 'Bushof' (busstation)
Crowded club, called a disco. Better don't go there before at least 23h, after that it's getting slowly full. Normaly mainstream music, prices are ok (it used to be 7,50 DM, that's 3,75 EUR, including one cheap drink (2,50 DM))
So, it's not comlete, but it is a start.
So contribute to this conversation.
Yours, Lille
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Good Pubs
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