A Conversation for Millennium Tragedy In Africa
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LL Waz Started conversation Jul 3, 2000
This is a good article but it shouldn't be titled 'Tragedy in Africa'.
We frequently label the entire continent with every disaster that happens there, leaving the impression that Africa is just one long continuous disaster.
It's not.
The bombings of Kosovo weren't titled "Europe at war again".
We'd have objected if they had been.
Its important because we're feeding people the wrong impression. Ask a child what they know of Africa and they'll probably say starving kids, and maybe elephants. People get compassion fatigue because the problems seem never ending.
This was a tragedy for Mozambique, or south east Africa.
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Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0 Posted Jul 3, 2000
What's more, when I saw the title "*Millennium* Tragedy in Africa", I was half expecting a story about the year 1000, or maybe the Moslem millennium which happened in 1700 or thereabouts. The other half was wondering if I'd missed a major Y2K glitch.
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The Nitpicker Posted Jul 3, 2000
I agree that it is a good article as far as it goes but what about the other countries affected? I believe that the main road between Zimbabwe and South Africa was washed away along with a lot of the crops in southern Zimbabwe? There was relatively little coverage of this aspect of the tragedy in the media. More information please!
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