A Conversation for The Guinness Brewery, Dublin, Ireland
A few points about the hopstore and Guinness in general
Lamb Chop Started conversation May 31, 2001
It is worth pointing out that the gift shop is directly AFTER the free pint of Guinness. This is not a coindence methinks. The slight inebriation must surely loosen wallets and dampen peoples ability to see the branded tat for what it is.
A more general point about Guinness is the monopoly the brewery holds over pubs in Ireland. Unlike the UK where there is generally some variation in the beers each pub serves, or at least guest beers, Irish pubs serve Guinness, Miller, Budweiser, Heineken, Carlsberg, Kilkenny and that's about it. If you're lucky enough be in County Cork you can add few more to the list such as Murphys and Beamish but still it's pretty weak in comparison.
A few points about the hopstore and Guinness in general
Is mise Duncan Posted Jul 18, 2001
This is true but the Messrs Maguire has its own micro brewery that does a decent set of pints. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A522091
A few points about the hopstore and Guinness in general
DrXym Posted Aug 6, 2001
Microbreweries are few and far between in Ireland. Dublin has 3 of which I've visited and enjoyed McGuires & the Porterhouse but they're pretty sparse elsewhere.
My local one is the Franciscan Well brewery which I believe is the only one in Cork. It does great beer and is a cool place to hang out in but it sells its beers to only a handful of other pubs that I know of. I suspect part of the problem is that Guinness has a monopoly meaning it can intimidate pubs who might try and break free of it. Ireland desperately needs to legislate some freedom into this market because the price of alcohol and lack of choice will hurt the pub trade in the long term.
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A few points about the hopstore and Guinness in general
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