A Conversation for Burying Oneself in the Sand
HYM- Burying Oneself in the Sand
Jimi X Started conversation Oct 25, 2002
A352522 - Burying Oneself in the Sand
This is perhaps one of my favourite entries in the Guide (of course it's helped by my having a visual image of beeline buried with only his head sticking out of the sand trying in vain to reach a cigarette).
- Jimi X
HYM- Burying Oneself in the Sand
Martin Harper Posted Oct 28, 2002
This entry's already been nominated.
Consider this thread as a repetition of the request for an automated HYM feature (see F47999?thread=201675)
Thread Moved
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Dec 16, 2002
Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Vote for the Next 'Have You Missed...?'' to 'Burying Oneself in the Sand'.
This has been moved from 'Have You Missed...?' back to the entry itself as it has already been successfully nominated once before. Many thanks anyway.
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HYM- Burying Oneself in the Sand
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