Tibet Links

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h2g2 Friends of Tibet

Welcome to the Tibet Links Page!

Here you will find links to many very interesting and informative web sites devoted to creating awareness of Tibetan culture, Tibet in exile, and the plight of the Tibetan people under the Chinese occupation.


  • The Government of Tibet in Exile - This is the official website of free Tibet.

  • Tibet Information Network - This may be the most complete and best researched Tibet-related resource there is.

  • International Campaign for Tibet - This is an excellent starting point. There is a wealth of background information on this site, as well as current news items and descriptions of action campaigns.

  • Free Tibet Campaign - FTC is an independant group, based in London, which 'campaigns for an end to the Chinese occupation of Tibet and for the Tibetans' fundamental human rights to be respected'. This is the best place to find out what's going on in the UK and the EU.

  • Tibet Online - This site is operated by the international Tibet Support Group community, providing information on the plight of Tibet and serving as a virtual community space for the movement.

  • Canada Tibet Committee - This is a site maintained by members of the Tibetan exile community in Canada and other Canadians who support the cause Tibet freedom. This site is the home of the world's premier information bulletin service, 'World Tibet Network', which is available by email subscription.

  • Friends of Tibet - India - Visit Friends of Tibet, and join people from all over the world who feel that injustice in the Land of Snows has been allowed to go on far too long.

  • Tibet Justice Center - Formerly The International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet, TJC has changed its name to reflect the broad base of its expertise. It has commissioned many very chilling reports. They are all meticulously researched and documented.

  • The Official Panchen Lama Website - Produced by the Canada Tibet Committee, this is a very well designed site with lots of information about the world's youngest political prisoner, directed mainly towards the younger surfers; nevertheless, the clarity of the message should make an impression on any visitor.

  • The Tibetan Cultural Center - Located on the outskirts of Bloomington, Indiana, USA, this was the location of the 1999 Kalachakra for World Peace. There are many photographs of the great occassion on this excellent site. Don't forget to play the Om game.

  • The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) is a non governmental organization based in India. The Centre was established 'in response to a need for effective monitoring of the human rights situation in Tibet and the promotion of democracy in the Tibetan community', and relies 'primarily on testimonials provided by Tibetan refugees in India, in addition to sources within Tibet and other concerned human rights groups.'

  • Kalachakra for World Peace - This is the official web site of the Kalachakra for World Peace, which took place in the city of Graz, Austria from October 11th - 23rd, 2002.

  • Snow Lion Publications - This is the web site of a fabulous publishing house that specializes in books about Tibet and Buddhism. The site also has a section on Tibet activism, a classified ad section, and a very good list of links. This is a very good resource.

Web Community

  • Tibet Search - This is a very hip site devoted to Tibet-related news and social interaction of all types.


  • Timesoftibet.com - Timesoftibet.com is a non-profit online news agency that provides latest developments on anything related to Tibet, such as Tibetan politics, culture, education, events/activities.

Activism and Advocacy

  • International Tibet Independence Movement - Information, Campaigns, and merchandise: This site will equip you with anything you may need to become an activist on behalf of Tibetan independence, from basic understanding of the issues to cool hats, T-shirts, and buttons.

  • Students for a Free Tibet - This is the web site of an international organization of students dedicated to the principle of freedom for the Tibetan people. This is really impressive!

  • The Wednesday Vigil for Tibet - The Wednesday Vigil for Tibet is an ongoing vigil held in London, UK. Meeting every week since March 1989. Nothing to do on a Wednsday night? Join the vigil from 6.00 to 8.00pm opposite the Chinese Embassy, Portland Place, London W1, UK.


  • Tibet Fund - The Tibet Fund is the principal fund raising organization for the Tibetan people, established to help preserve and promote their unique cultural heritage.

  • Tibetan Sponsorship Project - The purpose of this organization is to be of service to the Tibetan government-in-exile of His Holiness the Dalai Lama by finding sponsors for Tibetan nuns, monks, and children in need of financial support. One hundred percent of the contributions collected for sponsorship go directly to the support of the individuals.

  • The Tibet Foundation - This London-based group was founded in 1985 with the blessing of his Holiness the Dalai Lama. It's purpose is to raise funds in support of Tibetans in Tibet and in exile. Financial aid goes to specific grass-roots projects which fall under the headings of Education, Health, and Development. One of the most engaging is the sponsor a yak program.

  • Drepung Loseling Monastery - This is your Internet link to what was once the biggest monastery in the world, housing in excess of 10,000 monks. Based in Atlanta, USA, the Drepung Loseling Institute is affiliated with Emory University. Learn about Tibet; learn about Buddhism; sponsor a monk in India - You'll be glad you did!

  • Drepung Gomang Monastery - Over the past 10 years, the number of monks who escape from Tibet to study at the Drepung Gomang Monastery in South India has more than quadrupled. From the original 59 monks the college has grown to 1300. Sponsor a monk - You'll be glad you did!

Tibetan Photo Project

  • Tibetan Photo Project - The Tibetan Photo Project offers the first photos taken by Tibetan monks living in exile, images of the Dalai Lama, informational texts and rare 1932 pictures of Tibet. This is amazing. Check it out!

    The perspective provided from the modern history of Tibet and China reveals a great deal about the nature of China's future leadership. The lessons have become even more relevant with the rise to power by Hu Jintao, China's former hardline secretary to Tibet.

    Working from an isolated coastal town of 5000 in northern California, the combined circulation of publications that have told some portion of Tibet’s tragedy through the Tibetan Photo Project is over 20 million.

Government and Humanitarian Agency Reports

  • US Department of State - The 2002 State Department report on human rights in China. This is a very detailed and in-depth document that really lays it on the line. No excuses for ignorance after reading this.

  • Human Rights Watch- HRW report to the 56th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights. This documents HRW recommendations to the annual meeting of the UNCHR regarding China.

  • Global Trade Watch - This page is dedicated to human rights issues concerning trade with China.

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