A Conversation for Cape Town, South Africa

The Best Steakhouse in Capetown

Post 1


I spent a couple of months in Capetown in 2002, and the party I was with found what could possibly be the best Steakhouse in Africa, if not the Universe. Situated in an area of Capetown called Seapoint is a tiny little steakhouse called 'The Wooden Shoe'. It only seats about 20 people, but is well worth a visit.
The owner (and chef) is an Austrian guy called Willie and he cooks your steak at the (tiny) bar. These things have to be seen and tasted to be believed, his pepper sauce comes highly recommended too. If you ever visit Capetown, check this place out, and say hello to Willie and Vally for me - tell them Jon from the IT course in May 2002 sent you!

The Best Steakhouse in Capetown

Post 2


tell me all you can remember about cape town, please! i think i have fallen in love with a girl there, and i am thinking about moving. it would be such a surprise to her if i "happened" to know about a few out of the spots and the like! this steak house sounds to die for! do i have to make reservations? i'm sure not, it's probably first come first serve...but, it would be such fun for me to say..."my dear, i happen to know this little, out of the way steak house that i think you'll enjoy." do drop me a line...thanx!

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The Best Steakhouse in Capetown

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