A Conversation for Reggae

'Live and Direct' by Aswad...

Post 1


... is one of the greatest live reggae records of all time smiley - smiley

'Live and Direct' by Aswad...

Post 2

From Distant Shores

Ah but is it as good as "Blazing Horns" by Tommy McCook and Bobby Ellis ?


From Distant Shores

'Live and Direct' by Aswad...

Post 3


Please tell me about this album. I really want to knowsmiley - smiley I'm not a reggae expert so I need to be tutored in the ways of the wise. I can't recommend 'Live and Direct' enough though. The three song melody on side two is an epiphany. Have you heard Black Uhuru's 'Tear It Up Live'? I haven't - but I want to. Check out the following URL for a list of reggae moments.


Laters smiley - smiley

'Live and Direct' by Aswad...

Post 4

From Distant Shores


Likewise I'm no reggae expert, I just like some of what I hear.

"Blazing Horns" is an album from the late seventies featuring the great Jamacian Sax player Tommy McCook. It's a purely instrumental album. You could say it was a fore-runner of Jamaican Jazz as the mixture of Jazz and Reggae now seems to be known. (Of which the most famous example must be Ernest Ranglin's Below the Bassline).

For me it's a great album but everybody's taste is unique. I like jazz influenced music with a strong beat such as reggae or funk. "Blazing Horns" fits the bill.

Even in England, it must be very difficult to find a copy of "Blazing Horns" now. I was lucky enough to come across my copy in an independent record store in Harlesden soon after it had been released. One of those rare impulse purchases that turns out to be a gem. I don't know if it was ever released on CD.

I'll try to get to hear "Live and Direct" on oyur reccommendation but finding it will be a problem on these distant shores.

By the way, it seems that you prefer live albums, if so have you heard Donny Hathaway's Live album. It must be one of the best live albums, well worth a listen.


From Distant Shores

'Live and Direct' by Aswad...

Post 5


Many thanks indeed for this information smiley - smiley I'll keep my eyes out - especially the next time I find myself in Harlesdon. Thanks again for these excellent tips smiley - smiley


'Live and Direct' by Aswad...

Post 6

From Distant Shores


I doubt that the record shop I referred to still exists. It was on Craven Park Road (Harrow Road) Hopefully you'll come across a small, independent record shop specialising in Reggae somewhere along the Harrow Road if you're going that way.

By the way, the Donny Hathaway Live is a soul/funk record (that may not be clear from my earlier post). It has a tremendous atmosphere and an earthy sound. When I listen to it, I feel that I'm there in a small club were it was recorded.

The only CD I've seen of it was a Japanese import in the Virgin Megastore on Oxford Street. I didn't buy it because it was twenty quid and I had the original LP. I wish that I had. I think that's it been released on CD in the US, so it may be easier to get now. Better try to listen to it first in case its not your cuppa' tea.


From Distant Shores

'Live and Direct' by Aswad...

Post 7


hi there,

sounds like you like live reggae....you should check out israel vibration's "live again!" one of my personal favourites!
also, i recommend burning spear's "live in paris" double cd.

you should be able to purchase these in any store with a good reggae department

smiley - winkeye
p.s.: you're right about aswad's "live and direct"

'Live and Direct' by Aswad...

Post 8


Many thanks for this smiley - smiley I'll keep my eyes open next time I'm in the record stores. Great tips smiley - smiley Thanks again.


'Live and Direct' by Aswad...

Post 9


I've read that Aswad are/were known for their "mind-warping live sets", but I only know them from their late-80's work like "Don't Turn Around", which is a nice enough song but not exactly a mind-warper.

So what's Live and Direct like?

Have you tried any Dub? You might like King Tubby or Augustus Pablo.


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