A Conversation for Stephen R Lawhead


Post 1


I have copies of "THE SONG OF ALBION" and love to read then over and over again.
Also have the ARTHURIAN books and likewise love re-reading then time and again,
Also got DREAM THIEF which i enjoyed,
He his a great author and as you said has a gentle way of portraying his charactors even with the the necessary violence thats needed in the story lines.
Not read the other books you mentioned yet, but thats down to the book shops around here, they dont stock his works, I have to travel into the town of Birmingham to the big book shops to get them and as a disabled person this is very infequent, so im glad you listed them, this means i can take a list with me next time im able to go,
Thank you for your item by the ay i really enjoyed reading it, it was well written,

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