A Conversation for Terrorism
Chechnya--Terrorism or Resistance?
combattant pour liberte Started conversation Feb 26, 2003
Anyone want to discuss Chechnya, the province attempting break away from Russia?
As you may be able to tell from my article on the subject (http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A904079) I support Chechen independence but I don't support attacks on civilians (just like I don't support the West--or anyone--attacking civillians).
Also, do you think the UK should extradite Akhmed Zakayev, envoy and deputy premier to elected seperatist President-in-Exile Aslan Maskhadov, to Russia (where man think he likely to be tortured or "die under misterious circumstances"). I don't. (For more info him and Chechnya, read my article and search the Internet.
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Chechnya--Terrorism or Resistance?
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