A Conversation for Green Death

Snakebite illegal?

Post 1

Huw B

I have heard it said that certain 'mixed' drinks like Snakebite are actually illegal. It doesn't seem to stop that many landlords (as my student days testified!).

Does anyone know if this drink actually is illegal? If not, why won't certain landlords sell it - is it all to do with reputation?

Snakebite illegal?

Post 2

Down My Lane

As far as I know it isn't illegal to sell snakebite. However, landlords who think pubs are for "socialising" or eating often have a downer on anything that gets their patrons drunk (like drug pushers objecting to their "clients" getting high).

There was a time when snakebite was also the preferred drink of skinheads and so that could also have added to the negative connotation.

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