Thee Incredible Weirdness of Being
Created | Updated Oct 28, 2004

As this Sunday, we celebrate Samhain, festival of all things dark and insane, a day on which the dead shall rise from their graves and walk the Earth in spirit form, when Metatron chases Shekinah after They are both Rejuvenated, It is Meet and Proper that We Discuss such Things as may now Occur, for this is the Day on which Persephone descends into Hades and Osiris dies for the second time, but in three days he will rise again, take his wife, Isis, and they chall become the God and Goddess of the Afterlife.
Samhain dates back to the Celts, a race in many ways more advanced than us, but then what do you expect? Pagan tribes have their origins in alien civilisations which existed here long before humanity evolved, and the Celts began in the Tretyayuga. They were the first European civilization to possess writing - yes, even before the Greeks. They lived for a long time in the heroic age of great quests and adventures.
The true Celts appeared sometime in the bronze age of violence, though their origins likely go back to the golden age of happiness. By now, they had somewhat warped and perverted the teachings of their extraterrestrial ancestors, splitting God up into a discrete pantheon of rather bloodthirsty entities. However, they retained just enough of the old knowledge of the pyramid designers to know much about life and death, and the occasional times at which they cross over into each other.
Why do they cross over? Good question. Presumably, Lucifer lives on a spiritual Earth which orbits the sun in the at the same speed but opposite velocity to ours. Thus, twice a year, they pass through each other, on October 31 and May 2. However, these things take time and, indeed, the Celts seem to have celebrated Samhain over three nights, which allows for the extra few hours each year to be more or less ignored. Oct 31 was the most important night of Samhain, as it marked the Celts' new year. This is eight days after Adam and Eve were created, or so the Torah and the Bible tell us. When Eden was lost, Choronzon and Ahriman broke away from God and Choronzon set his planet to go the other way in a childish gesture of rebellion. Ahriman, meanwhile, remained on this Earth, being closer to pure materialism and all. When the dead pass to Choronzon, they may once per year re-enter the physical world and from there attempt to ascend to Heaven.
So why nothing on May 2? The answer is simple. Relativity tells us that all objects bend spacetime around themselves, the amount depending on the amount of gravity they possess. However, if they remain long enough, they can leave a 'footprint.' The mind and the soul can also leave footprints, creating some of the phenomena known as ghosts. This is what causes the Flying Dutchman. Most ghosts, however, are merely the projections of people's minds, transmitted to others via telepathy. Anyway, the two planets both leave footprints in the area of space at which they separated, which amplifies their respective harmonic resonances and brings them into sympathy. They now enter into an uneasy quasi-union, allowing entities from the different planets to pass back and forth to a certain extent. They may appear to each other, but can do almost nothing to interact with the other world other than vibrate a
few air molecules.
Actually, some stuff does happen on around May 2. Specifically, May 1 is the sabbat of Beltaine, a time at which God and Gaia, Shekinah and Metatron, Isis and Osiris (call it what you will) mate, as this is the time when the virgin planets penetrate each other. If it is on a sabbath, so much the better. However, there is fall less crossover around Beltaine due to the lack of spatio-temporo-spiritual footprints.
A lot of people are familiar with stories of ghosts bursting forth into our world, and it is no mere coincidence that this seems to mostly occur around Samhain, most especially when the moon is full. However, it is also fairly easy to fall into the other world. Think about it - have you ever been on your way home from a Samhain party when you become lost, the wind picks up, the darkness comes, and you become rather scared? If that ever happens, you know that you have entered Choronzon's Earth, at least a little bit. You never truly leave God's
Earth, and you can be saved from the spirits by someone you know (or even someone you don't) appearing to ground your overactive imagination. However, thoughts are powerful things, and if you believe hard enough, you may fall through a well into a place from which you may never emerge. The spirits desire the warmth of your mind and your soul, and will do whatever is possible to bring you into their domain. People found dead on abandoned roads have not ODed, passed out, or really been run over; they have brought these misfortunes upon themselves by spiritual manipulation of their minds and thoughts. When they die, they immediately slip into Choronzon's Earth, or possibly Faerie. Faerie is a third planet, inhabited by fays (better known as 'fairies') which orbits at right angles to both the Earths. Fays desire your mind and soul just as much as the spirits and devils, though they are rather more benign about it. Fays are not 'evil,' they are totally neutral in all respects. While they generally do not like God very much, they are also opposed to Choronzon and especially Ahriman. Many of them are simply loyal to the old gods. However, Faerie
should be avoided, for you will surely be made the subject of much mischief and practical joking. Fay abductions were once quite common, though now are comparatively rare.
Ironically, this Samhain you may be saved by Ahriman. While he and Choronzon both work together and oppose each other, they are ultimately on the same side in that they resist God's plan for Human evolution. That being said, Choronzonic spirits are generally loth to approach Ahrimanic objects, items, and artifacts. Therefore, street lights, taxis, etc may well serve to repel them and keep you out of their grasp. However, they will often attack lonely cars in back roads, so just be careful.
One final note - please make the effort to actually be scary if you go out trick-or-treating. The spirits, devils, and fays do not like what has become of what was once their proudest day. Thankfully, this year at least, it appears that we are witnessing a return to the good old days of the hideous, horrible, and grotesque.
Until we meet again, my friend, this is Hussassan, signing off.
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