A Conversation for Handy Household Tips
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Apologies for the subject matter.
Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. Posted Jun 2, 2000
Apologies for the subject matter.
Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) Posted Jun 22, 2000
*decides that eating at the moment isn't such a good idea afterall and sets down her breakfast plate*
Apologies for the subject matter.
Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. Posted Jun 22, 2000
Apologies for the subject matter.
Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) Posted Jun 22, 2000
that is alright my dear i have learned through my many years on this rock that there are times when life is a bit more visual than others
Apologies for the subject matter.
Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. Posted Jun 22, 2000
If it helps to calm you stomach any here have a doughnut:
*sends parcel by express air mail recorded delivery*
Apologies for the subject matter.
Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. Posted Jun 22, 2000
Apologies for the subject matter.
Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here Posted Jun 23, 2000
I made an early trip to Starbucks this morning. Now I've had so much caffeine and sugar I want to jog, scream and vomit all at once
Apologies for the subject matter.
Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. Posted Jun 23, 2000
Just not into the kettle, alright?
Apologies for the subject matter.
Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) Posted Jun 26, 2000
yes, please my dear looney...not into the kettle...i don't think my system could handle that this early in the day
Apologies for the subject matter.
Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here Posted Jun 26, 2000
*Dons woolly hat and pretends he is a teapot*
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Apologies for the subject matter.
- 21: Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. (Jun 2, 2000)
- 22: Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) (Jun 22, 2000)
- 23: Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. (Jun 22, 2000)
- 24: Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) (Jun 22, 2000)
- 25: Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. (Jun 22, 2000)
- 26: Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) (Jun 22, 2000)
- 27: Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. (Jun 22, 2000)
- 28: Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here (Jun 23, 2000)
- 29: Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. (Jun 23, 2000)
- 30: Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) (Jun 26, 2000)
- 31: Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here (Jun 26, 2000)
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