A Conversation for A Beginner's Guide to Making Plastic Models

Hidden parts

Post 1


Nice Entry, reminds me of a few years ago when I was building model cars and trucks. I even thought of writing en entry myself, but seeing this one I'm happy I haven't done so smiley - biggrin

Anyway, it left me wondering - what's the point really of painting (or, indeed, having at all) those tiny little wee pieces in the engine when they end up being completely hidden, even when you turn the model upside down and try to peek inside?

Even more so when you are supposed to paint it an exotic colour which you are highly unlikely to use ever again.

Hidden parts

Post 2


What's the point?! The knowledge that your little model is the perfect replica...plus the satisfaction of being able to paint really fiddly bits - so you know you still have your eyesight and a steady hand, thus escaping the ravages of ageing smiley - winkeye

Hidden parts

Post 3


But it wasn't a very elaborate and expensive model (I was still a novice!), and I think there were other bits which were simplified. So it wasn't even a perfect replica smiley - doh

On the other hand, I *did* feel a pinch of pride every time I was looking at the model, knowing that there was a fancy-coloured part somewhere inside smiley - ok

Hidden parts

Post 4

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

I am a keen Warhammer collector, and many of my larger battle tanks have hidden engine compartments that appear to have no purpose whatsoever. However, on closer inspection of the parts it becomes obvious that the engine covers can be either left off to show off the detail, or modelled as being open. Perhaps this explains the phenomenon to some extent.

Hidden parts

Post 5


Ah yes, very good remark smiley - rainbow

Hidden parts

Post 6


To put it in perspective, consider the Accurate Miniatures B-25 Mitchell kit. Full interior including chemical toilet and decal for a copy of Life Magazine on the toilet lid. When you close up the fuselage you lose sight of it forever. But you know it's there.....

Hidden parts

Post 7

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

Buy two. Have one fully built, the other built as two halves so you can show off the details.

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