Talking Point: A New Year Challenge

9 Conversations

Notepad and pencil.

The turkey's been cooked and eaten, the presents unwrapped and played with, and you've got hours of TV viewing under your

belt. Yes, Christmas as you know it is over, and it's time to turn your thoughts to the year ahead. A new year is traditionally the time to start afresh and set your sights at fulfilling the dreams and desires that have been

simmering beneath the surface of your life since, oh, forever. Lots of people give up drinking, smoking and go on diets after

the excesses of the Christmas season, while for others it's a time to set some serious goals.

The h2g2 editors and our colleagues have come up with a list of five things we want to accomplish for 2008. What follows is

a compilation of several people's goals, but each 'wish' is a genuine one. Our challenge to you is to add your list of five goals for this year. You'll find reading other people's lists quite inspirational... and it's no secret that

writing things down can be the first step towards making them a reality.

And as well as your five goals, we'd appreciate tips on how to accomplish goals. Some of the links provided here might help.

And so, without further ado, here's what we hope is the first of many, many lists of:

5 Goals for 2008

  1. Be stricter with my children.

  2. Learn to play more than five songs on the guitar.

  3. Meet Tom Waits.

  4. Finish collating my grandmother's diaries.

  5. Get rid of gloomy thoughts/banish fear and hate from my heart/be a good friend to many people.

That's us done. Now over to you.

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