A Conversation for Astronomy for Amateurs
NASA predictions
Lord Irish Started conversation Jul 13, 2002
Could I suggest that you add a reference to the NASA prediction page?
At "Heavens Above" you can only get the info "on line". At the site http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/ you get sent an email every Monday, Wednesday and Friday giving predictions for viewing satellites. The only drawback with this site is that the magnitude of the satellites is not stated on their web page, but it is stated in their email.
It should also be noted that as this site is America based, most of the additional info given on their emails relates to America. Their emails also give interesting info about the space shuttle.
NASA predictions
Woodpigeon Posted Jul 15, 2002
Thanks Lord Irish, I wasn't aware of the email, although I have seen some of the other pages: the Java applets etc, which all provide more detail in real time. You are quite right: the Heavens Above page requires online access, and the link you post might be of benefit to many people. My liking of Heavens Above comes from its incredible database of different locations around the world, and the accuracy of its predictions. It's also got an easy-to-read, unpretentious interface, which is somewhat suitable for printing.
I can't make the change myself because the page, once edited, is no longer under my control. H2G2 are working on a proposal for updating entries, so stay posted.
NASA predictions
Lord Irish Posted Jul 15, 2002
They can always go to Heavens Above, get their location, then go to NASA and input the location there!
NASA predictions
Researcher 200267 Posted Aug 9, 2002
Theres no problem,go to n.a.s.a.
and you will get all the information you need.
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NASA predictions
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