A Conversation for Computer Viruses
Small Mistake
Hal1 Started conversation May 18, 2000
Boot viruses don't only come on floppy disks, they're quite at home on hard disks as well.
Small Mistake
Cheerful Dragon Posted May 18, 2000
Viruses are at home anywhere, but floppy disks are the most common means of transmitting them. Most companies that produce CD-ROMs or DVDs go out of their way to ensure that the disks are virus free. I have never heard of a hard drive being sold with a virus already on it, but anything is possible!
Small Mistake
Athon Solo Posted Oct 25, 2000
That's because most hard-disks are sold unformatted.
Floppy's used to be the most common but email and downloading files are almost undoubtedly now the most common
Athon Solo
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